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#1: Failure is not a permanent experience, you must rise above it and choose to be better than you were a moment ago. Changing and growing is what makes you win.
Failure is not a permanent experience
#2: The
difference between failure and success is not much more than the changes we choose to embrace from one moment to another, one day to another.
difference between failure and success
#3: Failure is not a permanent label that must be carried around because you made a mistake, so when you fall, you better be ready to shake it off and keep running.
Failure is not a permanent
#4: It’s not a question of whether one can or will fail, the question is when and how one would fail and even more importantly what they would do about it. So do something different from yesterday.
do something different from yesterday.
#5: The crowd never stops cheering for the winners, so even when one person fails, there is always a champion for the crowd to cheer on. You can be the one that remains standing.
Quote About Failure
#6: What teaches focus best is the noise of the crowd, the way it continues even when you are flat on your back as if your failure doesn’t really matter to anyone.
Quote About Failure
#7: No one really cares about those who quit on the race, the crowd is only loyal to the ones that make it to the end, so keep running.
Quote About Failure
#8: If you’ve been called a failure then you would understand what it means to be given a label that you so desperately want to get off your back.
been called a failure
#9: What you call yourself is much more important than what people call you, so if someone thinks you are a failure, you have a choice to prove them wrong or to sulk.
Quote About Failure
#10: Failures are only stepping stones when you do not embrace them as an identity but see them as a question demanding you to discover your greatest potentials.
Quote About Failure
#11: You need to see failure like a shovel because they can either serve for burying your gifts or you can use them to dig up all your hidden potential.
#12: If you wait for opportunities to find you then failure will become a constant experience and success might be forever elusive so go out and seek the chances to win.
Quote About Failure
#13: There’s no much difference between those who fail and those who win, some just were more determined to try yet again than others.
Quote About Failure
#14: There will hardly be a day when you’ll not get new chances to do something outside your comfort, to be more than the failure you think you are.
Quote About Failure
#15: Those who fail today can remain flat on their backs, regretting the opportunities lost or they could be on their feet seeking out the next opportunity for adventure.
Quote About Failure
#16: Fearful people have very few failure stories but they also have very few wins, because success is what happens after several pitfalls.
Quote About Failure
#17: Don’t be so eager to win that you forget that failure is also a part of the process that makes up a champion.
failure is also a part of the process
#18: It’s not always important to count your failures because you might run out on numbers, better just focus on counting your wins.
#19: There’s so much to live for when you’ve experienced failure enough times, now you know that success would feel so much more better and you just have to win.
experienced failure
#20: If winning was the end game, then you wouldn’t mind a few stops and bumps along the way because that’s all failure truly represents.
failure truly represents


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